Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 things - Number 5: Typing Shortcuts

There are a few typing shortcuts that further speed your BlackBerry typing.
  • Press <space> twice to get a period plus a space.
  • Hold a letter to switch it to a capital letter.
    • The BlackBerry automatically capitalizes the first letter after a period so this would be used when typing a name in the middle of a sentence, etc.
  • When typing a web address, a space becomes a period
    • This only works on web pages and in BlackBerry applications where the developer has designated that field to be a web address field. For example, when typing in a web address into the BlackBerry Web Browser.
  • When typing an email, the first space becomes an @ and subsequent spaces become periods
    • This only works on web pages and in BlackBerry applications where the developer has designated that field to be an email field. For example when typing in someone's email address when adding them as a contact in your BlackBerry address book.